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The 2013 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return

It was published The 2013 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return (for the period January to December 2013)


The 2012 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return

It was published The 2012 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return (for the period January to December 2012)


It was published the certificate

It was published the certificate issued by the JSC "SA 2" confirming membership in IPLOCA.


The 2010 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return

It was published The 2010 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return (for the period January to December 2010).


The 2008 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return

It was published The 2008 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return (for the period January to December 2008).


The 2007 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return

It was published The 2007 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return (for the period January to December 2007).


The 2006 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return

It was published The 2006 IPLOCA Health and Safety Statistic Return (for the period January to December 2006).

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